- Let’s play a puzzle-game
“What am I” Listen
attentively and guess, these puzzles.
1. I can like be red or green or yellow I grow in the
tree in the garden. I am tasty in
autumn and in winter that am I.
3. We are very tasty when we are green. We grow in the
kitchen-garden. We are tasty
when we a salty too. People like too eat us with tomatoes in salads. What am I?
4. I am tasty if you boil or bry me and a little salt
and butter, please. Don’t forget to peel
me. I’ll be white then and clean. You like me with meat, fish salad. You eat me every day. What I am?
5. This little red lady
Is hard to be found
As only her green plait
Stick out of the ground
What am I?
6. In autumn 1 gwe You food
In winter I keep you warm,
7. Little old
uncle, dressed is brown
Tare off his
Now tears run down
apple, cherry, cucumber, potatoes, carrot, bruit-tree, onion